AI Prog

Hi There!

AI Prog is an Environment scene that I made for the Polycount challenge (Juli - August 2021) while learning Unreal Engine 5. I finished it in 2,5 Months time in my free time.

Concept art by Paul Trochu

All 3D Assets are made by me:
Render: Unreal Engine 5
Modeling: 3Ds Max 2020, Zbrush
Texturing: Substance (Painter, Designer, B2M), Photoshop
I tried to keep the Texel density to 1024 pixel = 1 m
- Assets are made from a mix of baked mesh and face weighted mesh (using trim/tiled textures)
- For big assets I used trim/tiled texture a lot (with micro and macro variation to its normals/roughness). Excepts the robots.
- For smaller props I mostly used traditional method : high poly -> retopo -> small poly.

I imagine this is the den of a hacker/programmer who tries to build an early prototype of a robot, which is made from human parts (thus the body part x-ray on the monitors). he/she lived in some kind of underground parking lot / abandoned building: lives and works DIY-style, love beer and potato chips.

Thanks to the people who give me feedback on this : Peeps from polycount forum, The Club,
Geofrey Brege
,Gabriel Dreher

And Thanks to you for Seeing my artwork!

Link to polycount thread:

I added warm tint onto the shadow to contrast the green light.

The robots hanging, lots idea from Ironman movie

The robots hanging, lots idea from Ironman movie

Close ups

Close ups

other closeups

other closeups

left to right, top to bottom : roughness, albed, Quad+Shader, Details Lighting. The reds from Shader/Quads comes mostly from curtain tranlucency and Fod planes

left to right, top to bottom : roughness, albed, Quad+Shader, Details Lighting. The reds from Shader/Quads comes mostly from curtain tranlucency and Fod planes

mesh that I used in this Enviro. its a mix between baked mesh (like matress, fan, chairs), using tiling mesh (like serverbox, PC, monitors).
other than cable from instance mesh, I also made normal cable

mesh that I used in this Enviro. its a mix between baked mesh (like matress, fan, chairs), using tiling mesh (like serverbox, PC, monitors).
other than cable from instance mesh, I also made normal cable

three bags of snacks vairants, chips, and 2 variant of beer cans

three bags of snacks vairants, chips, and 2 variant of beer cans

the robots are in parts

the robots are in parts

3 main forms of monitor case and many screen variants. screen uses mix of 3 different materials

3 main forms of monitor case and many screen variants. screen uses mix of 3 different materials

progress clip

some of the materials

some of the materials

Wireframe and polycounts of some of the assets. some of them are only decimated from zbrush.

Wireframe and polycounts of some of the assets. some of them are only decimated from zbrush.

One of the challenges I found is how to tackle a lot of cable: I found that using spline mesh equals too many drawcalls . in this case I made small tube and use it as Instanced static mesh in BP. though its hard to textures and cant do extreme angle.

One of the challenges I found is how to tackle a lot of cable: I found that using spline mesh equals too many drawcalls . in this case I made small tube and use it as Instanced static mesh in BP. though its hard to textures and cant do extreme angle.

Neat trick that I used to get chipping edges on the pillars and table: using decal

Neat trick that I used to get chipping edges on the pillars and table: using decal

I used masking textures to avoid repetitions. on the right side you'll find what I experimented on to have the most unrepetitive mask. I created about 2 kind of this textures mask and use it on roughness/normals/albedo

I used masking textures to avoid repetitions. on the right side you'll find what I experimented on to have the most unrepetitive mask. I created about 2 kind of this textures mask and use it on roughness/normals/albedo